Google Adsense Fast Aproved

Google AdSense tutorial how to register in order to quickly accepted 

- As a blogger of course you've heard of Google's AdSense program, which is a contextual advertising program.

In this post, I'll show how you can create an AdSense account for your website.

There are so many alternatives to AdSense, but any advertising program you try, you'll probably find that AdSense is an advertising program that is best. At least that's what the authors feel.

When a person is just starting blogging, "AdSense" is a concept that is foreign to him. Even many people who ask for help from others or a friend to register for AdSense because he was afraid that one in if do it yourself.

For your new and yet familiar with AdSense, you need to know that it is a very good advertising program for website owners,


No need to rush to register with AdSense, you'll want to know in advance the conditions created by AdSense.

The main requirement that you must have a website, your age as the owner of the website has also must be over 18 years old, if not necessarily you should use the name of a parent or guardian giving you permission to do so.

Make sure your website has quality content, do not copy and paste and has a nice design (which is simple but pleasing, not too much content that is not heavy when opened). In addition we recommend the website are aged over 3 months and is updated regularly with content quality. For the number of posts Google itself does not provide minimum limit, but we advice you already have a website at least 20-40 posts, set pagination to display five posts each page to make it look a lot. If for 3 months you write one article every day on your website, you should already have 90 posts, and it would be very good in the eyes of Google.

The author also suggests that the website will be submitted to AdSense has organic visitors coming from search engines (not using ads), and make sure that your website has at least 500-1000 page views every day, more of it the better.

Steps to register your AdSense account
- Make sure your website is compatible with AdSense
- Sign up / register an account to AdSense
- Log in to your AdSense account
- Create Ad First and add the AdSense code to your website.

Although the new AdSense account approval process is quite lengthy, the process will ultimately help us maintain the quality of fatherly AdSense to all users.

It is also important to ensure that your blog or website comply with AdSense policies before signing up. In addition it is also important to read the terms and conditions mentioned on the registration page to learn more about AdSense.

How to Sign up / register an account to AdSense

First, go to the registration page of AdSense, and there you will see the option to create a new Google account, or you can choose to use an existing Google account. If you have an email address from your website domain, then you should use the email to sign up for AdSense. If not, then you can use a gmail address that you have.

According to some people, using emails with the domain name, eg will be more easily accepted. But the authors themselves only use email from gmail still acceptable.

If you have a gmail account then tap the Sign In button, if not then click Create Account.

Next you'll be treated to look like below.

There, you are prompted to enter the URL address of the website and select the appropriate language to your website content.
Then click Continue,

On that page you are prompted to enter your personal data, from the time zone of the country, until the full name, address, city and phone. Fill in all the parts properly and do not let anyone missed it, then click the Submit my application.

After sending the request then the next you will be notified via email that said that your application has been sent and is still in the approval. At this stage you are asked to wait just because Google is researching whether the website you are eligible or not, the process can be from 1 to 7 days.

Note, during a Google review, it is suggested you keep writing as usual, still keep the quality of the content, if necessary for writing a long one, with no record of doing a copy and paste from other websites, and does not contain things that are forbidden by google like p0rn0 , violence, racial intolerance and other prohibited.

Log in to your AdSense account, after the application is approved, you create ads and started to put on the website

Once Google has approved your website, then you can sign in to your AdSense account at this stage is actually your account has not been fully accepted, you have to try to put ads on your website first, then the next you'll be asked to create your first ad.

Make the first ad with the recommended size Adsense, make sure it fits into the available space on your website, and do not forget to put your ad in a safe position and does not violate the rules, the advice we put an ad in the sidebar.

Officially accepted by AdSense Account

After advertising on AdSense, usually they will not appear before, only to see the white, but still counted to see how many times it appears. Things like that usually lasts several days to 1-7 days, wait, while occasionally seen also in your AdSense account, you know who has been a change. Change is usually marked with an ad that has begun to appear on the website, it was characterized by ad status changed to 'active' and revenues have started to grow. If not accepted, then you need to make improvements according to the email Google sent, and repeat the steps above.

After getting $ 10 Google will send a pin

Once your income reaches $ 10, Google will give you that they send a pin to your home, according to the home address that you wrote when registering. Wait until the pin comes, if it does not arrive within the specified time, then please check to the post office, otherwise there too, then you can apply for the pin again, Google gives 3 times the chance request pin.

If the pin has arrived, live input to a pin field provided by AdSense. And when revenue reached $ 100 then you can disburse the money, and congratulations you already have a first income from Google AdSense.


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